Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Outcomes of musculoskeletal surgeries in adult patients with cerebral palsy

The above paper concludes that the goal of upper and lower extremity musculoskeletal surgery should be an improvement in patients' functional ability.
Surgery is performed in order to improve functional ability by correcting or improving the underlying anatomical musculskeletal problem. This will facilitate physiological movement and allow for the development of a normal movement pattern.
In upper or lower extremity/ limb rehabilitation following for example arm and leg surgery, Physical and Occupational therapy must be designed to ensure that as near a normal movement pattern will be achieved. In order to do this the PT/ OT has to customize the exercise task to the patients' movement impairment. HandTutor provides sensory motor impairment oriented training by giving the patient games that require isolated, co-ordinated and accurate finger and wrist movements. At the same time the HandTutor dedicated rehabilitation computer games motivate and improve concentration and allow for intensive practice. Optimal functional outcome is achieved by combining HandTutor with traditional task specific training. The LegTutor by MediTouch provides objective knee and ankle kinematic evaluations and customized active practice with augmented feedback/ biofeedback using the same customizable rehabilitation software as the HandTutor.

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