An upcoming clinical trial by Meir Medical Centre Israel led by Dr. Ronen will focus on using the HandTutor system on a hand injury population.
The study aims to characterize the HandTutor system and the focused objectives are:
1. To examine the test-retest reliability when measuring the range of movement (ROM) of the wrist and the fingers with the system.
2. To examine the correlation between the ROM when measured by the HandTutor, and the ROM when measured by a conventional tools (goniometer).
3. To examine the correlation between the performance in the HandTutor (in the games part), and the performance in functional activities.
4. To examine the difference between healthy people and hand injured people when using the HandTutor.
5. To examine the participants feedback for using the HandTutor (Level of enjoyment, etc).
6. To examine the level of pain that participants with hand injury experience when using the HandTutor.
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