In the March edition of Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Dr. Inger Johansen and her group from Department of General Practice/General Practice Research Unit University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway assess the outcome of rehabilitation of older patients in a district rehabilitation centre following referral from district hospital, nursing homes or their own homes following stroke, arthrosis, hip fracture and other neurological and orthopedic injuries and chronic diseases. The group found that significant and persisting improvements in activities of daily living were achieved by rehabilitation of older patients with stroke, arthrosis, hip fracture and other chronic diseases in a district inpatient rehabilitation centre with co-ordinated and multi-disciplinary rehabilitation.
The HandTutor and ArmTutor are used in clinic, nursing home and home care to give patients upper extremity arm and hand intensive active exercise rehabilitation and the LegTutor and 3DTTutor allow physical therapists to customize lower extremity rehabilitation exercises that motivate the pateints to achieve optimum rehabilitation outcome.
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