In the April edition of Neurorehabil Neural Repair Dr. Kelly Brunton and his team from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada research objective measures of functional walking in individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury. The group discuss The Spinal Cord Injury Functional Ambulation Profile (SCI-FAP) which was developed to address the need for a measure of functional walking in the spinal cord-injured population. The SCI-FAP involves the timed performance of seven common walking tasks, such as walking and negotiating obstacles, doors and stairs. The measure accounts for manual assistance and walking aids used. In this study the group show that the SCI-FAP has high inter-rater and test-retest reliability, as well as discriminative and convergent validity.
The LegTutpr and 3DTutor can be used to provide intensive lower extremity virtual functional exercise practice. The LegTutor uses a dedicated rehabilitation software that uses motivating games that can be customized to the stage of rehabilitation and the patients movement. The LegTutor encourages both open and closed kinetic loop active exercises.
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