In Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, August, 2011 as a clinical article Lee YHD et al. reports that Allograft meniscus transplant is considered as a treatment option for meniscus–deficient patients to provide pain relief and decrease contact stress. This procedure is now considered as safe and reliable for the treatment for knee pain after total menisectomy. This is a new technique that has been developed for arthroscopic meniscus transplant with no bone blocks. It anatomically recreates the meniscus–tibial insertions and provides aperture fixation of the meniscus horns. It is an alternative to the established bone block meniscus transplant technique and is less surgically invasive.
The LegTutor together with its sister devices (HandTutor, ArmTutor and 3DTutor) has proven to be the therapy of choice in leading U.S. and foreign hospitals and clinics for post surgery therapy. The device is beneficial as well for sufferers of stroke, brain and spinal injuries, Parkinson’s disease, MS, CP and other maladys. The LegTutor is a brace that is attached to the leg of the patient and attached to a computer which has dedicated software. The program encourages the patient to move his leg in conjunction with specific games and provides an incentive to move the leg in various directions and thereby to accomplish certain tasks and speed up functional recovery.The system allows the therapist to evaluate, quantify and record the patient’s motor and cognitive impairments. The LegTutor is adjustable to any size and can be used by adults and children alike. Home bound or post recovery patients can use tele rehabiliation for the exercises.
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