As announced on PR WEB in October 2011, Encore Path, makers of the Tailwind device for arm rehabilitation for stroke and brain injury survivors announced its invitation to join Astia, the premier global network serving women-led high growth start-ups since 1999.
Encore Path develops rehabilitation devices for stroke and brain injury survivors. Its first product, the Tailwind, was released in 2009. It is clinically proven to help people with moderate to severe paralysis improve their arm function and range of motion. The Tailwind is available in rehabilitation hospitals and therapy centers worldwide, and is also sold to patients who want to use it at home.
The Tailwind was developed by University of Maryland doctors specializing in physical therapy rehabilitation after a decade of scientific research. Clinical studies have shown that the device helps improve arm mobility, function, and range of motion in patients with even severe paralysis.
The Tutor system (HandTutor, ArmTutor, LegTutor, 3DTutor) uses augmented movement feedback, and allows for customizable and motivating exercise practice for all joints (and not just elbow and arm) and allows the training of two associated joints in a functional movment e.g elbow and shoulder. The Tutor system uses augmented feedback to prevent the patient using a compensatory movement pattern to achieve the task.
The Tutor system can also be used for open and closed chain movement practice in the sitting, standing and lying position.
The system consists of motivating and challenging games that allow the patient to practice isolated and/or interjoint coordination exercises so as not to become bored with the therapy. Controlled exercise practice helps to prevent the development of compensatory movement patterns. The dedicated software allows the therapist to fully customize the exercises to the patient’s movement ability. In addition the therapist can objectively and quantitatively evaluate and report on the treatment progress. The rehabilitation system optimizes the patient’s motor, sensory and cognitive performance and allows the patient to better perform everyday functional tasks to improve their quality of life. The Tutor system is FDA and CE certified and can be used at home via telerehabilitation.
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