Dr. I. Cikajlo etal of the University Rehabilitation Institute , Ljubljana , Slovenia conducted a study about telerehabilitation.
The objective of telerehabilitation is a continuation of the rehabilitation process on patients’ home. The study also compares the balance training in clinical environment with the telerehabilitation approach when the physiotherapists and physicians can follow the progress remotely. The conclusions of the study were that the telerehabilitation approach in Virtual Reality supported balance training improved balance in stroke patients and had a similar effect on patients’ postural functional improvement to conventional balance training in clinical settings. However, when balance training is continued in the patient’s home instead of the hospital, it would eventually decrease the number of outpatients‘ visits, reduce related costs and enable treatment of a larger number of patients.
The HandTutor and its sister devices (ArmTutor, LegTutor, 3DTutor) have been developed to optimize motor, sensory and cognitive performance for physical rehabilitation programs following a stroke, brain/spinal cord, Radial and Ulnar nerve and Brachial Plexus injuries with TELEREHABILITATION following hospital or clinic treatment.
The Tutor system consists of ergonomic wearable devices together with powerful dedicated rehabilitation software. It is designed for those who have head, trunk, upper and lower extremity movement dysfunction.
The Tutor system consists of motivating and challenging games that allow the patient to practice isolated and/or interjoint coordination exercises. Controlled exercise practice will help to prevent the development of compensatory movement patterns. The dedicated software allows the therapist to fully customize the exercises to the patient’s movement ability. In addition the therapist can objectively and quantitatively evaluate and report on the treatment progress. The Tutor rehabilitation system allows the patient to better perform everyday functional tasks to improve their quality of life. The Tutor system is FDA and CE certified. See www.HandTutor.com
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