Thursday, 19 January 2012

Multiple Sclerosis and the Tutor Sytem

According to a study by A. Solari MD etal from the Istituto Nazionale Neurologico in Milan, Italy, physical rehabilitation has a positive effect on disability in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients
Although physical rehabilitation is commonly administered to MS patients, its efficacy has not been established.
The study assessed the efficacy of an inpatient physical rehabilitation program on impairment, disability, and
quality of life of MS patients with a randomized, single-blind, controlled trial.
The results showed that there were no changes in impairment that occurred in either group.
The study group improved in overall health-related quality of life.
The conclusions reached were that despite unchanging impairment, physical rehabilitation resulted in an improvement in disability and had a positive impact on mental components of health-related quality of life perception at 3 and 9 weeks.
The TUTOR system has shown itself to be an effective rehabilitation tool for MS patients.
The newly developed HANDTUTOR and its sister devices (ARMTUTOR, LEGTUTOR and 3DTUTOR) have become a key system in neuromuscular rehabilitation and physical therapy for interactive rehabilitation exercise. These innovative devices implement an impairment based program with augmented feedback and encourage motor learning through intensive active exercises. These exercises are challenging and motivating and allow for repetitive training tailored to the patient’s performance. This training is tailored and customized by the occupational and physical therapist to ensure that the patient stays motivated to do intensive repetitive manual therapy and exercise practice.
The HANDTUTOR, ARMTUTOR, LEGTUTOR and 3DTUTOR are now part of the rehabilitation program of leading U.S. and foreign hospitals with the TUTORS being used in clinics and in the patient’s home. Home care patients can be supported by the occupational and physical therapist offering tele-rehabilitation. See WWW.HANDTUTOR.COM for more information.

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