Published in SAGE JOURNALS on February 2, 2012 Alexa K Stuifbergen etal of the School of Nursing, University of Texas Austin conducted a study whose objective was to explore the feasibility and effects of a cognitive rehabilitation intervention i.e. Memory, Attention, and Problem Solving Skills for Persons with Multiple Sclerosis (MAPSS-MS) – for persons with multiple sclerosis on cognitive performance, self-efficacy for control of symptoms, memory, and neuropsychological competence in activities of daily living (ADL).
The conclusions reached were that the MAPSS-MS intervention was well-accepted and feasible by participants. Given the large relative increase in use of compensatory strategies by the intervention group, it holds promise for enhancing cognitive function in persons with multiple sclerosis.
It is known that rehabilitation aims to optimize motor, sensory and cognitive performance to allow the patient to better perform everyday functional tasks and improve quality of life.
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