When a human being is created he possesses two types of motor skills in order to operate his body efficiently. One is known as GROSS Motor skills and the other is FINE motor skills. These skills necessitate the coordination of the brain, nervous system and the body’s muscles. Gross motor skills are those defined as ”larger movements” such as running and jumping. These are movements that entail the use of the larger muscles in the feet, torso, legs and feet. On the other hand the fine motor skills are those that are needed to move small things. Here it may be fingers, toes, tongue and lips.
When a stroke, head/spinal injury, Parkinson’s disease, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis or other upper or lower limb injuries or surgery takes place these fine or gross motor abilities will be severly curtailed or be limited in their usage.
After initial medical attention is given to the problem and a modicum of recovery has occurred physical rehabilitation is indicated to restore normal mobility in the affected limb. The TUTOR system of physical rehabilitation solutions for such issues has been adjudged to be one of the best methods for both children and adults. Using a unique ergonomic glove or a brace that is easy to attach these devices detect even slight motion when the limb is moved to ”play” a game on dedicated software. The information thus gleaned is recorded, documented and allows the physical/occupational therapist to customize the treatment session. The treatment software provides intensive exercises with augmented feedback leading to enhanced functional rehabilitation.
These exercises are challenging and motivating and allow for repetitive training tailored to the patient’s performance. The training is tailored and customized by the occupational and physical therapist to ensure that the patient stays motivated to do intensive repetitive manual therapy and exercise practice. The physical rehabilitation tools known as HANDTUTOR, LEGTUTOR, ARMTUTOR and 3DTUTOR are now part of the rehabilitation program of leading U.S. and foreign hospitals with the TUTORs being used in clinics and in their home. Home care patients can be supported by the occupational and physical therapist through the use of tele-rehabilitation. See www.MEDITOUCH.CO.IL for more information.
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