In the February 2011 edition of Med Sci Monit , Dr. Rabadi and his team from Department of Neurology, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Oklahoma University, Oklahoma City, U.S.A.
present a review of the randomized clinical stroke rehabilitation trials in 2009.
The review details evidence on interventions for motor recovery after stroke that showed improvements in recovery of arm function. These interventions included high-intensity physiotherapy and repetitive task training. Techniques reviewed include constraint-induced movement therapy, electromyographic biofeedback, mental practice with motor imagery, robotics and biofeedback. Exercise programs for community dwelling stroke patient helped maintain and improve the patient’s functional ability and HRQOL.
The HandTutor and ArmTutor system is used in rehabilitation clinic, private OT/ PT and home care settings with proven efficacy for both acute and chronic upper extremity stroke rehabilitation.
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