In the February edition of Nature Reviews Neurology Dr Berthier Professor of Neurology and Director, Unit of Cognitive Neurology and Aphasia, Centro de Investigaciones Médico-Sanitarias (CIMES), University of Malaga, Spain and Dr. Pulvermüller Programme Leader, Cognitive Neuroscience of Language, Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit; Fellow, Wolfson College, Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom discuss neuroscience insights and therapy to improve neurorehabilitation of poststroke Aphasia.
They state that the treatment of aphasias—acquired language disorders—caused by stroke and other neurological conditions has benefitted from insights from neuroscience and neuropsychology. Massed practice and exploitation of residual neurological capacities can aid neurorehabilitation of patients with poststroke aphasia, and progress in basic neuroscience research indicates that the language system of the human brain is functionally interwoven with perceptual and motor systems. Intensive speech and language therapies, including constraint-induced aphasia therapy, that activate both the linguistic and concordant motor circuits utilize the knowledge gained from these advances in neuroscience research and can lead to surprisingly rapid improvements in language performance, even in patients with chronic aphasia.
The HandTutor, ArmTutor and LegTutor systems provide motivation to the patient to do repetitive virtual functional task practice or massed active exercise practice which is proven to improve sensory, motor and cognitive movement ability and aid in the function of active daily living tasks which increases patient independence post stroke.
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