On November 24, 2011 U.S.Politics by Ein News Service described the connection between traumatic brain injuries and auto accidents
One of the most prevalent causes of TBI is also one of the most common American behaviors: driving.
Traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, are some of the most severe traumas people can experience. Often, TBIs leave patients with lifelong side effects that affect their ability to function in their work and personal lives. Unfortunately, one of the most prevalent causes of TBI is also one of the most common American behaviors: driving.
Motor vehicle accidents are the second-leading cause of TBIs in the United States, accounting for over 17 percent of brain injuries, and are the leading cause of all fatal TBIs. According to Dr. Glen Johnson, a neuropsychologist based in Michigan, the impact even a mild auto accident has on a brain should prompt all accident victims to schedule a doctor’s appointment to get checked out. Johnson has determined that even low-speed crashes can cause three different types of brain damage: swelling, tearing and bleeding. He reminds people that when a car is traveling at 30 miles per hour their brains are as well, and when a car crashes that impact is repeated as the brain makes contact with skull.
When the brain makes contact with the skull, the impact causes bruising, swelling and the tearing of blood vessels. The last effect is especially dangerous, since drivers may feel normal after such an impact but may collapse due to bleeding of the brain within minutes or hours after the accident. Motor vehicle accidents may also cause the vital pathways that make the brain work detach from each other, a symptom that is only apparent using a CT scan or MRI.
Brain injuries resulting from a car accident often require medical services that can range from out-patient care to emergency surgery and months of hospitalization. Common procedures used to diagnose and treat TBIs include CT scans, MRIs, x-rays and physical, occupational and psychological therapies. Severe TBIs may require powerful anti-seizure medications, and rehabilitation from moderate to severe TBIs can take months or years and require a lifetime of aftercare. In fact, about half of all severe TBI patients will require additional surgeries to remove hematomas after their initial hospital care.
The medical care for even moderate TBIs as a result of motor vehicle crashes can result in substantial medical costs and long-term effects on victims. Sometimes, medical insurance cannot cover all of the ongoing treatment necessary for a patient to recover. In addition, some TBI side effects may prevent individuals from working, so income may be lost.
Whether from a traumatic brain injury due to a auto accident or from a spinal cord injury, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, CP, Ms, upper or lower limb surgery the Tutor system is the newly developed medical device of choice to promote a rapid rehabilitation process.
The HandTutor, ArmTutor, LegTutor and 3DTutor are devices that are FDA and CE certified and are being used in leading U.S. and foreign hospitals. They have had success in improving movement of the hand, wrist, elbow, knee, ankle, foot and other joints of the body following traumatic injuries. Intensive active exercise can reduce the rate of deterioration and this is what the Tutor devices provide.
The system is also used in physical therapy clinics as well as the patient’s homes with tele rehabilitation. The ‘Tutors’ are suitable for adults and children. See www.HandTutor.com for more information.
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