Adam Rumian et al of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Traumatology, Hôpital de L’Archet II, Medical University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France discuss a study in Orthopaedics and Trauma October 2011
The shoulder is the most frequently dislocated joint in the human body, anterior dislocation being the most common variant. For stability, the glenohumeral joint relies on both static and dynamic restraints and dislocation often results in damage to these restraints. For example, antero-inferior capsulolabral complex damage often occurs as a result of anterior dislocations (a ‘Bankart lesion’) and impaction of the dislocated humeral head against the rim of the antero-inferior glenoid can result in a postero-lateral humeral head defect (the ‘Hill–Sachs lesion’). Prompt reduction of the dislocation is necessary to relieve pain and reduce the risk of complications, and should be performed as soon as possible in the emergency department, or in the operating theatre in cases with an associated shoulder fracture. Subsequent treatment of the dislocation is aimed at restoring function of the shoulder and minimizing the risk of recurrent instability. Non-surgical treatment is the conventional method of management after a successful closed reduction and involves immobilization of the affected shoulder for between 3 and 6 weeks coupled with, or followed by, physiotherapy. Young age at the time of the first anterior dislocation is associated with a high rate of recurrence and there is growing evidence that primary arthroscopic stabilization significantly reduces the rate of recurrent instability. This article outlines the current management strategies for dealing with this acute traumatic injury.
The ArmTutor™ system has been developed to allow for functional rehabilitation of the upper extremity. The system consists of an ergonomic wearable arm brace and dedicated rehabilitation software. The ArmTutor™ system allows for a range of biomechanical evaluation including speed, passive and active range of motion and motion analysis of the upper extremity. Quantitative biomechanical data allow for objective evaluation and rehabilitation treatment follow up. The ArmTutor™ rehabilitation concept is based on performing controlled exercise rehabilitation practice at a patient customized level with real time accurate feedback on the patient’s performance. The exercises are designed in the form of challenging games that are suitable for a wide variety of neurological and orthopedic injury and disease.
The games challenge the patient to perform the exercise task to their best ability and to continue exercise practice.
The ArmTutor™ allows for isolated and a combination of elbow and three directional shoulder treatment. The system provides detailed exercise performance instructions and precise feedback on the patients exercise performance. Controlled exercise of multijoints within the normal movement pattern prevents the development of undesired and compensatory joint movement and ensures better performance of functional tasks.
The ArmTutor™ and its sister devices (HandTutor, LegTutor, 3DTutor) system is used by many leading rehabilitation centers worldwide and has full FDA and CE certification. See www.
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