Sunday, 18 September 2011

ArmTutor An Integral Part of Physical Therapy for Sports Injury Victims

In a special report by Peter Yoon to on September 17, 2011 he states that UCLA Bruins offensive lineman Sean Sheller has a broken right arm that will require surgery and will be out indefinitely, the school announced Saturday after a 49-20 loss to Texas on Saturday.
Sheller, a sixth-year senior and a starting guard, was injured on a running play near the goal line late in the third quarter. UCLA was trailing 35-13 at the time, but scored two plays later to make it 35-20.
Sheller has already missed two full seasons with injuries. He had a medial collateral ligament tear in his right knee in 2006 and had anterior and medial collateral ligament surgery in 2008 after an off-road vehicle accident.
Also, defensive back Andrew Abbott suffered a concussion on a hit to the head in the second quarter and will spend the night in a hospital for observation.
The ArmTutor for Sean Sheller and the 3DTutor for Andrew Abbott may be just what the doctor ordered to help them recover faster. The ArmTutor and the 3DTutor, together with their sister devices the HandTutor and LegTutor, are newly developed medical devices . They have become a key system in neuromuscular rehabilitation and physical therapy for post surgery sports related injuries as well as a host of other disabilities. These innovative devices implement an impairment based program with augmented feedback and encourage motor learning through intensive active exercises. These exercises are challenging and motivating and allow for repetitive training tailored to the patient’s performance. The system also includes objective quantitative evaluations that provide the therapist information to customize the most suitable rehabilitation program to the patient’s ability. Currently part of the rehabilitation program of leading U.S. and foreign hospitals the Tutors are also used in clinics and at home through the use of telerehabilitation.

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