With the proliferation of toxic and hazardous toys and school supplies, a lawmaker is pushing for a legislative inquiry to determine how the issue can be resolved.
Jester Manalastas writing on September 13, 2011 discusses the problem of dangerous toys and resulting hazards. Davao del Norte Rep. Anthony del Rosario has filed House Resolution 1669, urging the appropriate committee to look into the matter.
Reports said that mere contact with the dangerous toys and school supplies could result invarious ailments for children.
It added that children could suffer neurological disorders, lack of muscular coordination, convulsions and coma, hyperacidity, deficits in fine motor function, hand-eye coordination and reaction time, lower intelligence performance, respiratory and reproductive failure, kidney and skin problems and even cancer are just among the health effects of these toxic materials.
When children are affected by these diseases and lose hand, arm, leg or other joint movement the HandTutor along with its sister devices (ArmTutor, LegTutor and 3DTutor) have come into play to assist them in gaining normal use of their joints.
The HandTutor, ArmTutor, Leg Tutor and 3d Tutor have been developed to teach children how to reuse their joints after a brain or spinal cord injury. The unique and successful devices use a dedicated software that utilizes games to enhance and improve their movement. The ”Tutors” also use telerehabilitation for those patients that are home bound or who have recovered sufficiently to get their treatment at home. Leading U.S. and foreign hospitals and outpatient clinics now use the devices which can treat adults as well.
The HandTutor™ system, for example, is an active exercise based hand rehabilitation program that uses the accepted methods of impairment oriented training (IOT) with augmented feedback. The HandTutor™ evaluates and treats finger and hand movement dysfunction through exercises that encourage extension/ flexion of the finger(s) and wrist.
The HandTutor™ system consists of a safe comfortable glove, with position and speed sensors that precisely record finger and wrist motion, and dedicated rehabilitation software. The ergonomic gloves come in five sizes for both right and left hands so it is adaptable for children’s hands. The rehabilitation system employs the known concept of biofeedback to give occupational and physical therapists access to an affordable user friendly hand rehabilitation package. The HandTutor™ can also be used in combination with the 3DTutor™ for arm rehabilitation. The HandTutor™ is CE medical and FDA certified.
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